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The firm

Vigier Avocats - Equipe

About us

The firm’s clients are healthcare & life sciences industries (pharmaceutical, Biotech, Medtech, cosmetics), Healthcare providers, Healthcare professional’s associations, as well as Healthcare institutions. T

The firm was founded by Isabelle Vigier.

After 20 years spent in the corporate world, in becoming a lawyer, Isabelle Vigier has chosen to bring her expertise and know-how to her clients, but also practical solutions thanks to her knowledge of the corporate world.

Her experience in multiple first-in-class international pharmaceutical companies, gave her an in-depth expertise in a large number of regulatory and legal matters in the field of R&D, Advertising and Marketing, Healthcare Compliance, anti-gift rules, Transparency, Contracting with third parties, GDPR & Data protection. And to provide ad hoc legal support of sensitive company transformations, acquisitions or crisis management.

The firm is a member of the AFCDP and co-leads the AFCDP’s “Health Data” group. (Association of French data protection officers).

The members of the firm are DPO certified.

Le Coin du DPO is the digital solution for personal data protection created by the firm.

Les members of the firm work in French and English.

The firm is recognized in healthcare, pharma & biotechnology for its expertise in regulatory law, e-health, distribution law, personal data and cybersecurity.

The firm was founded by Isabelle Vigier.

Paris Bar attorney in law since 2015, founder of her law firm, Vigier-Avocats. The firm’s clients are healthcare & life sciences industries (pharmaceutical, Biotech, Medtech, cosmetics), Healthcare providers, Healthcare professional’s associations, as well as Healthcare institutions.

Thanks to her experience as a former general counsel in multiple first-in-class international pharmaceutical companies, Isabelle Vigier has an in-depth expertise in a large number of regulatory and legal matters in the field of R&D, Advertising and Marketing, Healthcare Compliance, anti-gift rules, Transparency, Contracting with third parties, GDPR & Data protection Isabelle Vigier provides ad hoc legal support of sensitive company transformations, acquisitions or crisis management.

After 20 years spent in the corporate world, in becoming a lawyer, Isabelle Vigier has chosen to bring her expertise and know-how to her clients, but also practical solutions thanks to her knowledge of the corporate world.

2020 sees the arrival of Sarah Bister.
After a thesis in European health law on the quality and safety of medicines and medical devices, and an experience at the French Ministry of Health, Sarah joined the Paris Bar. Her knowledge of European regulations and French specificities regarding health products allows her to assist the firm’s clients on these strategic issues.

Sarah also intervenes on data privacy matters as well as the anti-gifts law (ex-DMOS) or the “value framework” and transparency.

Isabelle Vigier

Isabelle Vigier - Vigier Avocats
Isabelle Vigier - Vigier Avocats

Isabelle Vigier

Avocate, Créatrice de Vigier Avocat

Admise au barreau de Paris en 2015, Isabelle Vigier fonde son propre cabinet Vigier Avocats.

Forte de son expérience d’ancienne directrice juridique, dans différents laboratoires pharmaceutiques, Isabelle Vigier a une connaissance complète et opérationnelle de mise sur le marché de produits de santé :
> de la R&D, la commercialisation et promotion, ainsi que
> la compliance,
> les données personnelles.

Isabelle Vigier apporte un soutien juridique ad’hoc lors de
> transformations d’entreprises,
> d’acquisitions ou de gestion de crise.

Après 20 ans passés en entreprise, en devenant avocate, Isabelle Vigier a choisi d’apporter son expertise et son savoir-faire à ses clients, mais également des solutions pratiques grâce à sa connaissance du monde de l’entreprise.


> Master I de Droit Public – Université Paris V – Malakoff / Universidad Autonoma de MADRID
> Master II de conseil et contentieux des personnes publiques – Université Rennes I
> DESS droit de l’entreprise (M2)


> Français
> Anglais

Sarah Bister

Sarah Bister


2020 voit l’arrivée de Sarah Bister au cabinet.
Après une thèse en droit européen de la santé sur la qualité et la sécurité des médicaments et dispositifs médicaux, et une expérience au ministère de la santé, Sarah Bister a rejoint le barreau de Paris.

Sarah Bister accompagne les clients sur les questions stratégiques
> liées à la règlementation européenne des produits et sur les particularités de la règlementation françaises.

Sarah Bister intervient également sur les aspects des données personnelles ainsi que les dispositifs d’encadrement des avantages (ex-loi anti-cadeaux) et transparence.


> Thèse en droit européen de la santé
Université Toulouse 1 – Capitole
> M2 Juriste international
Université Toulouse 1 – Capitole


> Français
> Anglais

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